How to Remove Coffee Stains From a Plastic Filter Basket
Plastic coffee filter baskets are quite handy to have around. From not having to buy coffee filters anymore to knowing you are doing something positive for the environment, the filters are a great asset to your kitchen.

If you drink a lot of coffee and don’t have time to clean the filter regularly, you may notice that it’s changed colors a bit. Coffee leaves behind an ugly stain over time. Fortunately no matter how bad the stain is, it won’t take long to remove.
Things You Will Need
- White vinegar
- Dish soap
- Clean cloth
Water that’s too hot to touch will not only burn your hands, but can damage the filter as well, so use caution.
Rinse the filter basket out well to get rid of any leftover coffee grounds.
Fill the sink with hot water and add 2 cups of white vinegar per gallon of hot water.
Set the basket in the sink and leave it to soak for at least 15 minutes.
Wash the filter with warm, soapy water and a clean cloth or sponge.
Repeat the process for particularly stubborn stains.
The Drip Cap
- Plastic coffee filter baskets are quite handy to have around.
- If you drink a lot of coffee and don’t have time to clean the filter regularly, you may notice that it’s changed colors a bit.
- Repeat the process for particularly stubborn stains.
Writer Bio
Melynda Sorrels spent 10 years in the military working in different capacities of the medical field, including dental assisting, health services administration, decontamination and urgent medical care. Awarded the National Guardsman’s Medal for Lifesaving efforts in 2002, Sorrels was also a nominee for a Red Cross Award and a certified EMT-B for four years.
Photo Credits
- George Doyle/Stockbyte/Getty Images
- George Doyle/Stockbyte/Getty Images
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