How to Clean Coke Stains on a Ceiling
Many people have been a victim of a shaken can of Coke. A shaken soda can may explode once opened and the dark cola beverage will spray in all directions, including the ceiling.

The Coke will wipe off the ceiling without difficulty if you get it right away but if goes unnoticed at the time and is allowed to sit for a period of days, the dyes used to color the beverage can leave a stain. There are several different solutions for getting rid of cola stains. If all else fails, you may have to resort to a touch-up with paint.
Things You Will Need
- Detergent
- Toothbrush
- Scrub brush
- White vinegar
- Cloth
- Ammonia
Mix a spoonful of detergent in a cup of water. Use a toothbrush or scrub brush to apply the mixture but be careful not to remove the paint. Proceed to the next step if the stain remains.
Mix 1/3 cup of white vinegar with 2/3 cups of water. Scrub the stain with the solution. Wipe it with a cloth dampened in cold water. If the stain still exists, try the third option.
Mix 2 tbsp. of clear ammonia in one cup of cool water. Wet a clean cloth with the ammonia mixture. Wipe the Coke stain off the ceiling with the cloth.
The Drip Cap
- Many people have been a victim of a shaken can of Coke.
- A shaken soda can may explode once opened and the dark cola beverage will spray in all directions, including the ceiling.
- Mix a spoonful of detergent in a cup of water.
- Scrub the stain with the solution.
Writer Bio
Si Kingston has been an online content contributor since 2004, with work appearing on websites such as MadeMan. She is a professional screenwriter and young-adult novelist and was awarded the Marion-Hood Boesworth Award for Young Fiction in 2008. Kingston holds a Bachelor of Arts in English from Mills College.
Photo Credits
- Jupiterimages/Comstock/Getty Images
- Jupiterimages/Comstock/Getty Images
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