How Remove Glue From a Faux Leather Sofa
Faux leather sofas have the luxurious appearance of leather without the high price tag. When you get glue on the couch you’ll need to clean it quickly to keep the sofa looking as new and pristine as possible.
Determine whether or not you can use water to clean the faux leather sofa by looking at the sofa tag, which is generally under the couch seat. The tag will indicate whether or not you can use water, or water-based solutions to remove the glue stain. If not, use the water sensitive method.
Things You Will Need
- Cloth
- Liquid dish soap
- Water
- Acetone
Test all cleaning methods on a small and inconspicuous area first to make sure it wont change the faux leather’s color and texture.
Water Safe Method
Remove as much of the glue as possible by wiping it with a water-dampened cloth. If the glue is very hard and dry, you may not be able to remove any of it this way.
Add 2 drops of liquid dish soap to 1 cup of lukewarm water. Mix to combine.
Dip a toothbrush into the mixture and brush the glue stain. The glue and dish soap will dissolve some if not all of the glue.
Dab acetone on the glue with a clean cloth if the glue stain is still visible. The acetone will help dissolve the glue. Try not to get the acetone on the sofa as it is a harsh chemical that can dry out the faux leather.
Wipe up the area with the water-dampened cloth to rinse off the liquid dish soap and acetone residue.
Dry the area with a clean cloth.
Water Sensitive Method
Blot off as much of the glue as possible with a clean cloth.
Wedge the edge of a plastic spoon in between where the glue is attached to the faux leather surface. Apply pressure to attempt to pry off the glue. If the glue is very hard you may not be able to remove it. Do not apply too much pressure or use a sharp object as this might rip the sofa upholstery.
Rub an emery board over the glue stain until you reach the surface of the leather. The emery board will gradually remove the glue stain. Stop rubbing once you reach the faux leather.
Dust off the area to remove the glue particles.
The Drip Cap
- Faux leather sofas have the luxurious appearance of leather without the high price tag.
- Dip a toothbrush into the mixture and brush the glue stain.
- Try not to get the acetone on the sofa as it is a harsh chemical that can dry out the faux leather.
- If the glue is very hard you may not be able to remove it.
- Rub an emery board over the glue stain until you reach the surface of the leather.
Writer Bio
Kaye Wagner has been working in the fields of journalism and public relations since 2006 and is a recipient of a National Hearst Award. She is particularly interested in home-and-garden projects, as well as beauty and fashion writing. An avid traveler, she also writes travel reviews and guides. Wagner earned a Bachelor of Arts in journalism from Brigham Young University.
Photo Credits
- Jupiterimages/BananaStock/Getty Images
- Jupiterimages/BananaStock/Getty Images
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