How To Install Hinges on the Inside of a Storage Ottoman
Storage ottomans tend to add comfort to a room while providing a little extra space to store other comfortable items, such as your favorite books, a warm blanket or movie DVDs, close at hand. Add hinges to the inside of your storage ottoman to keep the two pieces together and for convenient access.

Step 1
Remove the ottoman lid and set it aside.
Step 2
Position one hinge inside the storage ottoman 1 or 2 inches from a corner along the top edge of the ottoman, where it will connect to the lid.
Step 3
Screw the hinge into place using the longest screws possible. The screws must be shorter than the thickness of the ottoman so they don't poke through to the outside. Install the second hinge on the other edge of the same side of the ottoman.
Step 4
Lay the ottoman on the same side on which you installed the hinges. Lay the lid flat on the floor at the point where it will connect to the ottoman. The lid and ottoman should be touching as if they were already connected.
Step 5
Extend the hinges to rest on the lid, and mark the holes with a pencil. Create starter holes in the ottoman lid using a drill bit that is smaller than the screws, or start the screws in place.
Step 6
Attach the lid to the hinges with screws that are slightly shorter than the thickness of the lid.
Writer Bio
Janece Bass is a freelance writer specializing in weddings, family, health, parenting, relationships, dating, decorating, travel, music and sports. She has been writing for more than 15 years and has numerous published pieces on various websites and blogs. Bass has also ghostwritten various fiction-based novels.
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- Jupiterimages/ Images
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