How to Do Floor-to-Ceiling Window Coverings for an A-Frame House
A-frame houses are frequently cabin-sized homes where the roof is steeply pitched so that the living space inside the home has walls that conform to the pitch of the roof. One gable end is typically entirely composed of windows, in order to bring light into the space. Often the lower windows are sliding glass or French doors that open onto a small outdoor deck of some kind. Covering the glass windows and doors is often a challenge both for privacy and glare control.

Step 1
Measure the ceiling on one side of the window wall. Cut 1-by-1-inch wood to this length. This is called a batten. Measure and cut the second side in the same way.
Step 2
Screw a medium-sized screw eye into the board 1 inch from one end. Repeat for the second end. Measure between your screw eyes and divide by 4. Take the remainder figure and divide it into the first number. This gives you a measurement of slightly more than 4 inches. This is the spacing between your screw eyes.
Step 3
Use your spacing measurement and attach screw eyes across the length of the board. Repeat for the second board.
Step 4
Screw the battens into the ceiling joists or beams so that the screw eyes are 4 inches away from the windows. Use long wood screws and a screwdriver.
Step 5
Measure the width of the wall. This is the width of fabric you will need for half of the wall. Measure the height of the wall at the peak. Add 5 inches for hems. Measure the height of the wall at the lowest point and add 5 inches for hems.
Step 6
Sew a fabric panel to your width measurement. Lay the complete panel out on the floor and mark a chalk line from your peak height to your lowest height. Use tailor's chalk and a straightedge. Cut along your line. Fold the cut edge under by 1/2 inch, and iron. Fold the ironed edge under by 1 1/2 inches and sew a hem stitch.
Step 7
Measure the angled cut. Divide the measurement by the number of screw eyes on one batten. Attach clips, spaced evenly, using this measurement. Hang one clip from each screw eye so that the drape hangs straight down. Pin the hem so that the drape is 1/2 inch above the floor surface. Take down the drape and sew the hem using a hem stitch. Repeat with the second drapery panel. Hang both drapes.
Step 8
Locate the point along your batten where your ceiling angle is 36 inches off the floor. Screw a large screw eye into the batten at this location. Tie cord to the screw eye. Pass the cord behind one-half of the drapery. Safety-pin a plastic loop to the inside edge of the drapery, 30 inches off the floor.
Step 9
Pass the cord through the loop and back across the front of the drape to the screw eye. Pull on the cord to open the drape. If the plastic loop is positioned well and the drape opens evenly, sew the loop to the drape with heavy-duty thread and a needle. With the drape fully closed, cut the cord 24 inches longer from where it passes through the screw eye. Slide an acorn on the cord and tie a knot. Pull the acorn over the knot.
Step 10
Attach a two-headed cleat to the wall so that you can tie off the cord after you open the drape.
- You can use decorative cord to hold back the curtain. Alternately, use standard curtain tie-backs at each side if you don't want cords visible in front of your curtain.
Writer Bio
F.R.R. Mallory has been published since 1996, writing books, short stories, articles and essays. She has worked as an architect, restored cars, designed clothing, renovated homes and makes crafts. She is a graduate of the University of California at Berkeley with bachelor's degrees in psychology and English. Her fiction short story "Black Ice" recently won a National Space Society contest.
Photo Credits
- Goodshoot/Goodshoot/Getty Images
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