How to Fix a Rip in a Couch
Getting a rip in the couch does not mean the end of the world. You can fix that rip in your couch in a way that makes it undetectable.

Thread a circular sewing needle with your thread. Pull the thread through the needle so that it is doubled, and knot the threads together at the end. I prefer to work with one foot of thread on the needle at a time as if the piece is too long, you will have more problems with tangled thread.
Starting at one end of the rip, insert your needle on the inside of the tear and pull the needle through. This will hide the knot on the inside of the fabric so you cannot see it.
Using a weaving motion, sew the rip by first inserting the needle into the rip and poking it through the fabric on one side, pull it through and then insert it through the rip again poking the needle through the fabric on the other side. Your sewing pattern is very much like lacing a shoe. Remember to make tiny stitches.
Continue sewing your rip to the end, making as tiny a stitch as possible. When you are done, pull the thread tightly and make one last stitch, this pulling the thread through the fabric a couple of inches from the tear. Then cut the thread as close to the fabric as possible.
Pinch the fabric where you cut off the thread with your fingers and pull the fabric so that the ends of the thread disappear into the sofa.

Check out this related video.
- If you have a rip in your sofa cushion, you may want to turn if over after repairing it as wear from sitting on it can undo the repair.
Writer Bio
Andrea Hermitt is an artist and writer who loves to research and write about new things. She's been a content writer since 2000, contributing to, the blog Notes From A Homeschooling Mom and other online publications. Hermitt has a Bachelor of Arts in fine art and English from the State University of New York at Albany.
Photo Credits
- Image by Creative Commons member Maka, illustration by A. Hermitt
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