How to Remove Excess Teak Oil
When polishing and restoring moisture to teak furniture, you can sometimes go overboard with the teak oil application, or even spill some of the oil accidentally. If the oil is left on the furniture, not only does it create an unattractive film of residue, but when a person sits onto the furniture, the oil can distribute onto the person's clothing. Luckily, removing the excess teak oil is an easy procedure.

Rub firmly over the excess teak oil with a soft, lint-free cloth.
Lightly moisten a fresh lint-free cleaning cloth with mineral spirits. The mineral spirits will remove the oil without harming the teak.
Rub the cloth gently over the surface. Repeat as needed until all excess teal oil is removed.
Writer Bio
Mel Frank is a professional freelance writer with over 15 years of writing experience. She has completed a wide variety of writing assignments for a number of publications that include CNN and various websites. Frank received a Bachelor of Fine Arts from a prestigious university in Pennsylvania.
Photo Credits
- furniture series - 1 image by maslight from
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