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How to Dress for Working With Fiberglass Insulation

Catherine Chase

Composed of very thin “threads” of glass, fiberglass insulation can irritate and cut the skin. The fibers can also become airborne, especially when the insulation is handled. According to the Healthy House Institute, if you inhale the fibers, they can cause irritation, inflammation and other damage to your respiratory system, including your lungs. To protect yourself from potential health problems, carefully cover up your exposed skin and wear safety gear to protect your eyes and respiratory system. When you're finished working, wash thoroughly.

Safety goggles will protect your eyes.

Step 1

Wear long pants, such as jeans, to protect your legs. If possible, tuck your pant legs into your boots. If you are unable to do this, wear tall socks.

Step 2

Wear a long-sleeved shirt with a high collar to protect your upper body. Place cloth gloves on your hands and, if possible, tuck the ends of your shirt sleeves into the gloves.

Step 3

Protect your eyes by wearing safety goggles.

Step 4

Wear a paper-based mask to prevent fiberglass fibers from irritating your respiratory system. Pull the mask up over your nose, as well as your mouth.

Step 5

Place a hat over your head to prevent fiberglass fibers from getting into your hair.