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How to Get Rid of Moss in a Water Tank

Jessica Jewell

Moss is a flowerless, green plant with threadlike stems and leaves. It is nonparasitic. Like algae, moss can sometimes grow in water tanks. Though the moss does not pose a threat to other life, such as fish or aquatic plants, it can be a visual nuisance. Fortunately, with the proper treatment and cleaning technique, you can remove the moss from your water tank.

Moss grows on a variety of sources, including in tanks, but is not parasitic or dangerous to other plants or animals.
  1. Clean your water tank thoroughly once a week. Scrub all of the sides and bottom of the tank, in addition to any water features. You can clean the tank with a simple scrub brush and warm water. You don't need to use an algaecide to kill moss in the tank.

  2. Change the water immediately after cleaning. This will prevent loose moss spores from clinging to the tank and growing again.

  3. Move your water tank away from direct sunlight, if it can be moved. If it can't be moved, then use a curtain or shade to prevent sunlight from reaching the tank. Moss will thrive if given adequate sunlight.

  4. Don't add additional nutrients to your water tank, unless a particular aquatic plant is suffering and requires fertilization. Also, don't feed your fish food with elevated levels of phosphorous or nitrogen. The presence of fertilizer and any undigested food with those nutrients will encourage moss and algae growth.