How to Stop Wind From Blowing Down a Stove Pipe
A stovepipe carries smoke and a small amount of heat away from a fire source and into the air outside and above a structure. Air turbulence, also referred to as an eddy, around the exterior opening of the stovepipe may cause a downdraft, or wind that blows down a stovepipe. When the wind reaches far enough inside the stovepipe it causes particles of ash to become airborne. Make adjustments to a faulty stovepipe to greatly reduce or eliminate downdrafts.

Climb up on your rooftop and find the point where the stovepipe exits the roof. Ask a friend to complete this step with you for safety. One person should steady the ladder while the other climbs to the roof.
Check the height of the stovepipe from the base of the roof. To thwart downdrafts, the top of the stovepipe should measure a minimum of 3 feet above a flat roof, 2 feet above a roof ridge and at least 10 feet, horizontally, from any other roof structure.
Increase the height of an existing stovepipe to make it comply with minimum height requirements. Add one or more sections to it. Stovepipe sections measure 24 inches long. Insert one end of a new pipe into the existing pipe to complete an extension.
Install a stovepipe cap to remove or lower the chances of downdrafts produced by wind turbulence. Slip a stovepipe cap over the top of the stovepipe and tighten each of three set screws to secure it.
- University of Missouri Extension; Chimneys for Wood Stoves; Richard E. Phillips; October 1993
- "Natural Home Heating: The Complete Guide to Renewable Energy Options"; Greg Pahl; 2003
- Check to ensure the stove's flue works properly before climbing onto the roof.
- Wear work gloves when handling stovepipe sections as the edges are sharp.
- Prevent burns; make sure the fire is out when working on stovepipe sections.
Writer Bio
Truell Bliss retired from the restaurant and hospitality industry after almost a lifetime of service. An officer in the American Culinary Federation, he earned his dietary manager certification and progressed into positions as chef instructor, chef manager, dining services operations manager and finally, director of food service.
Photo Credits
- Jupiterimages/ Images
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