What Type of Screws Go in Replacement Windows?
When undertaking a replacement window project for your home it is essential that there is a clear understanding of some of the basic points that are involved in undertaking this task. Know what the costs will be up front, the fit of the window as well as the tools, and what is necessary in order to remove the old window and frame. Also determine if this will be a do-it-yourself, or will require professional assistance.
Use Steel Screws

There are a variety of replacement window types; it may be almost dizzying in trying to understand which type of screw, nail or fastener is necessary for the type of window you will need to install. The recommended replacement screw for replacement windows is the steel screw. When installing your window make certain the steel screws are installed flush with the vinyl jambs, yet be careful to not over tighten and press the window unit against the outside stops to achieve a snug fit.
Why Use Steel Nails
Stainless steel screws as well as fasteners and nails do not rust or corrode. In addition the structural integrity and strength of your home projects will endure; there will not be unsightly stains left around the replacement window. Therefore, unlike iron and regular steel screws and other replacement window hardware of the same type, stainless steel metal hardware is unaffected by water and air that cause metal corrosion.
Replacement Window Types
Do your homework and study the various types that are available. For instance, depending upon the location of the window, you may be looking at a double-hung window or a single-hung window. In a single-hung window, it can be a sliding or gliding window. On the other hand you may want an awning window , arched, bay or bow window. If there is a concern about weather or even energy, then you may want to consider storm or thermal replacement windows.
Shopping For Replacement Windows
Use care and caution in both selection of the windows as well as the home improvement contractor who may install them. Before you sign a contract with a window installer, make certain that he is licensed and ask for references as well as follow up by contacting the local Better Business Bureau for possible complaints. Understand the U-Value of the glass that is being installed and how energy efficient it is. The lower the replacement window U-Value is, the more efficiently the glass performs," according to the website Window Replacementic.
Writer Bio
Kevin Fobbs began writing professionally in 1975 and has been published in the "New York Times," "Detroit News," "Michigan Chronicle," "Soul Source" magazine and "Writers Digest" magazine. Fobbs obtained a political science and journalism degree from Eastern Michigan University and attended Wayne State University Law School.
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- Thinkstock Images/Comstock/Getty Images
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