What Are the Freezer Settings on the Kenmore/Amana Refrigerator Freezer?
Sears, the owner of the Kenmore appliance brand, sources its products from a variety of manufacturers including Whirlpool, the parent company of Amana. The appliances are re-badged at the factory to show Kenmore instead of Amana branding. Setting your Amana manufactured Kenmore refrigerator freezer to the correct temperature ensures your food is kept safely preserved and reduces the chance of food spoiling faster than expected. The factory default setting is ideal for preserving food in the freezer compartment.
Ideal Freezer Temperature

Kenmore recommends setting your freezer compartment between 0 and 2 Fahrenheit or -16 or -17 Celsius. Food is safely frozen at this temperature, reducing the risk of food thawing out and spoiling. Slightly lower than recommended is better than slightly higher.
Adjusting the Freezer
To adjust the temperature on a Kenmore/Amana refrigerator, simply turn the thermostat dial to a numbered setting; higher numbers mean lower freezer temperatures. The factory default is usually somewhere in the middle of the dial, often the number 4. Consider purchasing a freezer thermometer and placing it among frozen food packages to accurately tell the temperature of your freezer. Make adjustments to the thermostat based on the thermometer reading.
Adjustment Times
Temperature changes, even ones of just a few degrees, take several hours to come into effect. Allow at least 24 hours for your freezer compartment to achieve the desired temperature. The motor may run for longer periods than normal while the temperature is falling.
Keep your the freezer door tightly closed when not in use, making sure the rubber seals around the edge of the door make contact with the body of the refrigerator. Bulky packaging can sometimes hold the door open and allow cool air to escape. Do not place hot or warm items into the freezer; wait until the food reaches room temperature first.
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- Jupiterimages/Photos.com/Getty Images
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