Johnson's Floor Wax Procedures
Floors become dull after repeated washing and foot traffic. Bring back the shine to dull floors with a fresh coat of floor wax. There are two types of Johnson’s floor wax. One Step is a wax that does not require buffing. Paste wax requires buffing but provides a longer lasting wax coating. Clean the floor with a broom, dry mop or vacuum before waxing.
Johnson’s One Step Wax Procedures

One Step Wax and waxes that require buffing are not compatible. If you don’t know the type of wax that was originally used on the floor, test a small area. Shake the product to mix the ingredients before applying the wax to the floor. Use a rag to apply a liberal amount of Johnson’s One Step wax to a small area of floor. If the wax dries to a dull finish, the old wax needs to be removed.
Remove old wax by washing the floor with One Step Wax. Saturate small sections of the floor with Johnson’s One Step Wax and wipe the wax up with a clean cloth. Change cloths frequently to be sure all of the old wax is removed. Repeat in sections on the entire floor.
After testing the floor and removing the old wax if needed, apply a liberal amount of Johnson’s One Step Wax to the floor in sections. Pour the wax on the floor and spread evenly with a wax applicator or soft cloth. When finished, the floor should appear uniformly wet.
Johnson’s Paste Wax Procedures
Before using Johnson’s Paste Wax, clean the floor with a solvent-based cleaning product such as dishwasher detergent and warm water. This removes all soil and sticky residues. Work with the grain to apply a smooth, even coat of Johnson’s Paste Wax. Buff with a clean cloth after the wax has dried to a haze. Floors can be buffed with an electric buffer after the wax has dried.
Writer Bio
Emily Patterson has been creating content for websites since 1996. She specializes in home improvement, natural body care and natural cleaning articles. Patterson holds a computing certificate from Penn State University.
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