How to Remove PVC Glue From Your Hands
Polyvinyl chloride, or PVC, pipe first became popular in the 1950s. PVC pipe is made of hard plastic that's resistant to rust and corrosion. This makes it a common choice in plumbing and building projects.

In addition, the material is lightweight, making it much easier to transport and handle than its metal counterparts. The plastic pipe is also quite flexible, which makes it less likely to crack under pressure. To properly fit different sections of PVC pipe together, use PVC glue.
Things You Will Need
- Warm water
- Antibacterial soap
- Cotton balls
- Acetone nail polish remover
- Hand lotion
When possible, wear glove when working with PVC glue.
Use caution when using acetone nail polish remover.
Soak your hands in a solution of hot water (as hot as you can stand) and antibacterial hand soap. This well help to soften the PVC glue. If you are not able to take the time to soak your hands, wash them well in hot water and antibacterial soap.
Saturate a cotton ball with acetone nail polish remover. Rub the cotton ball on the glue on your hands. Use short, quick strokes and continue until all of the glue is removed. Replace the cotton ball once it's covered in glue residue. Saturate subsequent cotton balls in the acetone nail polish remover.
Rinse your hands well under warm water. Wash with antibacterial soap to remove the nail polish remover. Use hand lotion if desired, as acetone can have a drying effect on the skin.
The Drip Cap
- Polyvinyl chloride, or PVC, pipe first became popular in the 1950s.
- The plastic pipe is also quite flexible, which makes it less likely to crack under pressure.
- Soak your hands in a solution of hot water (as hot as you can stand) and antibacterial hand soap.
- Saturate a cotton ball with acetone nail polish remover.
Writer Bio
Jess Jones worked for a real estate broker in both listing, assessing, and helping to flip residential properties for several years while attending graduate school. After obtaining her own real estate license, she took a position working for a custom home builder. Jones worked closely with clients in finalizing plans, making specific selections for each new build, and helping to solve problems in the building process. She holds both a B.A. and an M.A. in English.
Photo Credits
- PVC image by pearlguy from
- PVC image by pearlguy from
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