How to Bypass the Thermostat on a Hot Tub
Hot tub thermostats establish and monitor the water temperature while the hot tub is in use. These thermostats usually have high and low temperature limits that correspond to safe water temperatures and are preset at the factory to a comfortable level. If you wish to bypass the thermostat on a hot tub, however, the process is simple. Remember that very high water temperatures may be unsafe and are not recommended for more than a few minutes at a time.

Step 1
Turn off the hot tub and disconnect the power from the power cord or at the circuit breaker.
Step 2
Open the hot tub access panel and locate the thermostat, which looks like a control knob connected to a copper wire.
Step 3
Rotate the adjustment screw on the bottom of the thermostat with an Allen wrench. Turn clockwise to increase the thermostat temperature or counterclockwise to decrease the thermostat temperature.
- Monitor the hot tub water temperature any time you bypass the thermostat. Do not use the hot tub for more than 15 minutes at a time or less if the water temperature is 104 degrees Fahrenheit or more because this may cause an unsafe change in body temperature.
Writer Bio
Meredith Jameson writes early childhood parenting and family health articles for various online publications. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in history from San Francisco State University.
Photo Credits
- Pixland/Pixland/Getty Images
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