How to Remove Excess Dried Mortar or Grout From Ceramic Tile Floors
Tiling portions of your home on your own can save a lot of money. Although time consuming, doing tile work yourself is quite easy. However, one of the most frequent problems that occurs when amateurs tile their own floors or walls is that they use too much mortar or grout.

Many amateurs also fail to remove the extra mortar or grout while it is still wet. Excess dried mortar and grout can ruin the look of the tile.
Things You Will Need
- Plastic putty knife
- Water
- Large bowl
- Scouring pad
- Mop
Use a putty knife to remove as much excess dried mortar or grout from your ceramic tile floor as you can. Hold the putty knife so that the blade is at a 45-degree angle. Scrape away the mortar or grout using a quick, back and forth motion. Use a plastic putty knife because a metal one may damage the floor.
Fill a bowl with warm water.
Dip a scouring pad into the water and wring out some of the excess moisture. You want the scouring pad to be pretty wet because this will keep it from scratching the ceramic tiles.
Scrub the dried mortar or grout using a back and forth motion. Use medium pressure and check your work often. To check, make a few passes with your scouring pad and then wipe the area down with a paper towel. Check for scratches and to see if the mortar or grout is gone. If it is not gone, continue scrubbing.
Wet mop the floors and allow them to air dry when all of the excess mortar and grout is gone.
The Drip Cap
- Tiling portions of your home on your own can save a lot of money.
- Use a plastic putty knife because a metal one may damage the floor.
- Fill a bowl with warm water.
- Wet mop the floors and allow them to air dry when all of the excess mortar and grout is gone.
Photo Credits
- soap pad image by robert lerich from
- soap pad image by robert lerich from
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