How to Mix Rustic With Traditional Decorating
A mixture of design styles creates an elegant and visually appealing home when done properly. If not, it can turn your home into a mess of styles that does not make sense. If you have a love for traditional and rustic styles, combining the two can create a look that is earthy yet modern.

Things You Will Need
- Rustic doors
- Rustic decorations (mirrors, paintings)
- Rustic furniture
- Traditional furniture
- Traditional decorations (rugs, lighting)
- Modern artwork
This look works well in houses that have a traditional or rustic design to begin with. It is simply a matter of adding the right combination of elements to make your house sizzle.
Add rustic elements to a traditional home or vice versa with a few easy steps. First choose one theme to be the main theme in the house. If you have traditional furniture, add rustic decorations and details. If you have rustic furniture and design, add a few traditional details. This will keep your home looking cohesive.
Place rustic touches such as old doors and windows, rustic furniture and rustic decorations in a traditional house. A home with traditional furniture and modern artwork looks great with rustic or historical doors and a few pieces such as an old mirror or antler chandelier.
Add modern touches to a rustic home to give it character. Add a traditional rug or light fixture to a room with rustic furniture. Use different varieties of wood for the furniture, which is a rustic look, with opulent traditional fabrics covering the pieces.
Use leather for a rustic touch. A leather chair mixed in with a traditional fabric upholstery provides visual interest in a room. Alternatively, add luxurious fabric on a rustic sofa to mix old-style design with something different.
Install a traditional element such as a crystal chandelier in a rustic room, along with a traditional rug and artwork.
Photo Credits
- Jupiterimages/BananaStock/Getty Images
- Jupiterimages/BananaStock/Getty Images
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