How to Assemble a Bed Frame
It's easy to assemble a bed frame to support a mattress pad and mattress. Bed frames are designed to lift beds off the floor and provide the correct seating for mattress pads. Raising a bed also creates hidden storage space underneath.

There are also wheels on a bed frame that make moving the bed easy for cleaning or room rearranging.
Things You Will Need
- Slotted screwdriver
- Adjustable slip-slot pliers
Lay the folded frame slats out on the floor in the bedroom. Position them where you want the sides of the bed.
Open the top and bottom rails. Pull the hinged rails out at a 90-degree angle to the sides.
Connect the tops and bottoms. One rail extension will have raised circular tabs. The other will have slots to receive them. Bed frames are made to fit twin, full-size or queen size-beds. Connect the top and bottom rails in the slots to give the correct size of frame for your bed.
Secure the top and bottom rails with clips. Not all frames have have clips to keep the rails in place; many just have long slots for holding the tabs. Clips on bed frames snap into a smaller slot once the tabs are slipped down and holding the slots in place.
Add the center support rail for a queen-size bed. Twin and full-size frames do not use center supports. The center support may attach lengthwise or across the width in the middle of the frame. Line up the holes in the center rail with the holes on the frame, and put the holding screws through with the heads facing up. Twist the nuts on the threads at the undersides. Hold the nuts with adjustable pliers and tighten the screws with a slotted screwdriver.

The Drip Cap
- It's easy to assemble a bed frame to support a mattress pad and mattress.
- Bed frames are designed to lift beds off the floor and provide the correct seating for mattress pads.
- Connect the tops and bottoms.
- Connect the top and bottom rails in the slots to give the correct size of frame for your bed.
- Secure the top and bottom rails with clips.
Writer Bio
Jonra Springs began writing in 1989. He writes fiction for children and adults and draws on experiences in education, insurance, construction, aviation mechanics and entertainment to create content for various websites. Springs studied liberal arts and computer science at the College of Charleston and Trident Technical College.
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