How to Add Salt to a Vaporizer
A device that turns medicine and other substances into a gas, vaporizers contain a base that holds water, a container that holds the substance and a tube for inhaling the gas. The devices are electrical, heat rapidly and are available from a number of manufacturers.

If you live in an area where the water doesn't contain a large amount of minerals—known as soft water, the amount of steam exiting the vaporizer may not be strong. Add salt to your vaporizer to increase the amount of steam and speed up the heating process.
Things You Will Need
- Cold water
- Table salt
- Spoon
Do not add too much salt to your vaporizer—this can cause excessive boiling and can damage your vaporizer's internal components. Too much salt can also trip a circuit breaker and/or blow an electrical fuse.
Place your vaporizer on a flat surface and fill its water reservoir with cold water to the “Fill” or “Water” line.
Plug in the device and turn it “On” if it doesn't come on automatically.
Add 4 to 5 tsp. of table salt to the water reservoir. Stir the salt and water thoroughly with a spoon to mix the two substances.
Let the vaporizer heat and begin to steam. If the steam level is not to your liking, add 1 tsp. of table salt to the reservoir and stir the mixture well.
The Drip Cap
- A device that turns medicine and other substances into a gas, vaporizers contain a base that holds water, a container that holds the substance and a tube for inhaling the gas.
- If you live in an area where the water doesn't contain a large amount of minerals—known as soft water, the amount of steam exiting the vaporizer may not be strong.
- of table salt to the reservoir and stir the mixture well.
Writer Bio
Nick Davis is a freelance writer specializing in technical, travel and entertainment articles. He holds a bachelor's degree in journalism from the University of Memphis and an associate degree in computer information systems from the State Technical Institute at Memphis. His work has appeared in "Elite Memphis" and "The Daily Helmsman" in Memphis, Tenn. He is currently living in Albuquerque, N.M.
Photo Credits
- Salt Shaker on Table- Portrait image by kellykramer from
- Salt Shaker on Table- Portrait image by kellykramer from
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