Maytag Neptune Frontload Washer Troubleshooting
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Troubleshooting your front-loading Maytag Neptune washer can be as simple as checking the plug or your outlet for power or making sure that the door is tightly closed. Some problems with this washer stem from the user being unaware of pauses in washing cycles, while others result from clogged drains or hose filters.

Troubleshooting your front-loading Maytag Neptune washer can be as simple as checking the plug or your outlet for power or making sure that the door is tightly closed. Some problems with this washer stem from the user being unaware of pauses in washing cycles, while others result from clogged drains or hose filters. If you encounter a problem that you can't fix by following Maytag's guidelines, call the company for more help.
Things You Will Need
- Maytag repair instructions
- Wrench
- Clean rags
Maytag's customer service number is 1-800-688-9900.
Maytag warns that you should follow its user's repair directions when servicing or troubleshooting your Neptune washer. If you don't understand the directions or don't know how to carry them out, call Maytag's customer service line.
Washer Isn't Filling
Close the door firmly if the washer isn't filling. Front-load washers won't fill unless the door is closed.
Check the plug to be sure the washer is plugged in. Check the circuit breaker or fuse box.
Turn the control knob to select a cycle, and press "Start/Stop." Open the hot and cold faucets completely. Check the hoses that lead from the faucets to the washer, and straighten any kinks.
Turn the water off and remove the hoses from the washer. Clean the filtering screens in the hoses to remove any debris. Replace the screens, then replace the hoses. Turn the water on, and press "Start/Stop."
Washer Isn't Tumbling
Check the plug to be sure the washer is plugged in. Check the circuit breaker or fuse box.
Select the cycle using the control knob, close the door and push "Start/Stop."
Call Maytag's customer service line if the washer still doesn't begin tumbling.
Washer Isn't Spinning or Draining
Check the plug to be sure the washer is plugged in. Check the circuit breaker or fuse box.
Straighten any kinks in the washer's hoses. Check the floor drain for any blockages or clogs. If necessary, have a plumber clean the drain.
Close the door tightly, and push "Start/Stop."
Call Maytag's customer service line if your washer still doesn't spin or drain.
Washer Stops in Mid-Cycle
Check the plug to be sure the washer is plugged in. Test the outlet to be sure it has power by plugging in a small appliance and turning it on. Check the circuit breaker and fuse box.
Close the door tightly. Turn the control knob to select a cycle, and push "Start/Stop." Since the cycle might have a pause or a built-in soaking time, wait for several minutes to find out if the washer starts again.
Call Maytag's customer service line if your washer still won't run.
Washer Leaks Water
Tighten the hose connections at the washer.
Soak clothes for 30 minutes or less.
Follow the manufacturer's loading instructions, and don't put too many clothes in the washer.
Call Maytag's customer service line if your washer still leaks water.
The Drip Cap
- Troubleshooting your front-loading Maytag Neptune washer can be as simple as checking the plug or your outlet for power or making sure that the door is tightly closed.
- Check the plug to be sure the washer is plugged in.
- Check the circuit breaker or fuse box.
- Clean the filtering screens in the hoses to remove any debris.
- Turn the control knob to select a cycle, and push "Start/Stop." Call Maytag's customer service line if your washer still won't run.
- Follow the manufacturer's loading instructions, and don't put too many clothes in the washer.
Writer Bio
Margaret Morris has a Bachelor of Arts in English with a concentration in creative writing from the University of Pittsburgh. She also holds a celebrant certificate from the Celebrant Foundation and Institute. Morris writes for various websites and private clients.
Photo Credits
- waschmaschine image by Carmen Steiner from
- waschmaschine image by Carmen Steiner from
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