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How to Clean a Dual Window Fan

Mason Howard

Dual window fans sit unassumingly in windows, wedged between sashes and sills, helping to circulate air in and out of houses on hot, summer days. Over time, particles in the air being sucked through the fan start to accumulate on the fan's parts, including the blades and grill cover.

The matter starts to stick, creating unsightly grime. Maintain a healthy environment and clean system of circulating air by regularly cleaning the window fan. Reaching the grime on interior parts requires disassembling the fan.


Extend the time between washings by vacuuming loose matter from the fan with the vacuum's hose attachment. Make fan vacuuming a part of the regular carpet vacuuming routine.

  1. Unplug and take the fan from the window. Place it faceup on a plastic-covered work surface.

  2. Locate the screws around the perimeter of the fan. Back out the screws with a screwdriver and separate the grill cover from the back of the fan.

  3. Pick up and remove any loose matter from the fan parts, such as lint buildup or pet hair, with a paper towel.

  4. Create a solution of hot water and mild, all-purpose cleaner, in a clean plastic tub.

  5. Dip a sponge or rag into the solution. Squeeze it out and wipe down all fan parts inside and out, including the blades, grate, panel and knobs. Scrub inside the holes in the grill grate with the solution, using a tube cleaning brush.

  6. Dampen a new sponge or rag in plain water and wipe down the fan a second time to remove any residue.

  7. Reassemble the fan and reinsert it into the window.

The Drip Cap

  • Dual window fans sit unassumingly in windows, wedged between sashes and sills, helping to circulate air in and out of houses on hot, summer days.
  • Over time, particles in the air being sucked through the fan start to accumulate on the fan's parts, including the blades and grill cover.
  • Place it faceup on a plastic-covered work surface.
  • Back out the screws with a screwdriver and separate the grill cover from the back of the fan.