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How to Kill Dust Mites With Lysol Spray

Meredith Jameson

Dust mites may be microscopic in size, but they may present a big problem to individuals who suffer from allergies. Dust mites reside in dust on floors, furniture or even in bedding, linens and on stuffed animals and other toys with multiple crevices.

Regular cleaning of the home, including sweeping, dusting, vacuuming and mopping can help reduce or eliminate dust mites. Dust mite sprays are another option, including one made from Lysol brand disinfectant spray, which is available for purchase at most grocery stores, drug stores or hardware stores.

  1. Clean as necessary to remove or reduce as much dust as possible.

  2. Spray the Lysol spray on areas where dust appears, such as on floors, furniture and along floorboards. Use enough spray so that the surface is visibly wet. The disinfecting nature of the spray will help prevent the dust mites from accumulating.

  3. Allow the spray to dry completely. If the spray you use the spray on toys or other hard surfaces that children may touch, wipe the surfaces down with a clean, damp cloth.

  4. Repeat on a weekly basis.

The Drip Cap

  • Dust mites may be microscopic in size, but they may present a big problem to individuals who suffer from allergies.
  • Spray the Lysol spray on areas where dust appears, such as on floors, furniture and along floorboards.
  • Use enough spray so that the surface is visibly wet.