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How to Get Rid of Mold in a Boxspring

Jaimie Zinski

According to the Better Sleep Council, the Average American spends one third of his life in bed, which equals approximately 220,000 hours a person will spend lounging, relaxing or sleeping in a bed. Many of these beds are supported with box springs, which provide support to the mattress.

As with a mattress, a box spring can become exposed to mold and should be thoroughly cleaned to avoid any further exposure to the mold.


Consider purchasing a new box spring and mattress if 50 percent or more of both pieces are covered in mold.

  1. Remove the mattress from the box spring. Check the mattress as well for signs of mold. If it is also covered with mold, the same cleaning process can be used.

  2. Drag the box spring outdoors. The box spring should be set on a tarp or sheet that is laid out in an area that has ample sun exposure.

  3. Sprinkle baking soda over the entirety of the box spring. Allow it to sit for one hour. This will remove any odor associated with mold and mildew.

  4. Wearing rubber gloves and a protective mask, vacuum off the top and sides of the box spring with a shop vac. This will remove any mold and mildew spores, and the baking soda, that are found on the surface.

  5. Flip over the box spring and vacuum the bottom as well. This can also be covered with baking soda before vacuuming, if desired.

  6. Return the box spring to the original position.

  7. Allow the box spring to remain in the sun for several hours. It can also be left over night but should be brought back indoors before the morning dew begins to form.

The Drip Cap

  • According to the Better Sleep Council, the Average American spends one third of his life in bed, which equals approximately 220,000 hours a person will spend lounging, relaxing or sleeping in a bed.
  • As with a mattress, a box spring can become exposed to mold and should be thoroughly cleaned to avoid any further exposure to the mold.
  • Allow it to sit for one hour.
  • Flip over the box spring and vacuum the bottom as well.