How to Clean Sharpie Marker Off Polyester Fiber
Sharpie markers are a type of marker with a narrow or fine tip for more intricate writing. Since Sharpies are generally permanent markers, they are useful for writing on surfaces and materials where a marker might easily rub off.

If you have accidentally gotten Sharpie marker on a polyester fiber garment, furniture or other polyester fabric, you might wish the marker were a little less permanent. Luckily, there a few steps you can use to remove the marker from your fabric.
Things You Will Need
- Hair spray
- Rubbing alcohol
- Paper towels
- Dish-washing detergent
- White vinegar
- Clean cloths
Spray the stain lightly with hair spray. Allow it to sit for a few moments, then blot with a paper towel. The hair spray may loosen the stain.
Apply some rubbing alcohol to a paper towel and press it against the stain. Blot the stain with a dry paper towel to remove the alcohol. Repeat this process a few times. If the stain persists, go to the next step.
Mix 1 tbsp. of dish-washing detergent and 1 tbsp. of white vinegar with 2 cups of water. Dip a clean cloth in the mixture and sponge it onto the stain. Let it sit for about five minutes and repeat the process every five minutes for about 30 minutes.
Wash the garment in the washing machine if possible. If the polyester fabric is not a garment, use a clean cloth to blot and dry the area.
The Drip Cap
- Sharpie markers are a type of marker with a narrow or fine tip for more intricate writing.
- Since Sharpies are generally permanent markers, they are useful for writing on surfaces and materials where a marker might easily rub off.
- Apply some rubbing alcohol to a paper towel and press it against the stain.
- If the polyester fabric is not a garment, use a clean cloth to blot and dry the area.
Photo Credits
- NA/ Images
- NA/ Images
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