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How to Remove Soap Scum From Drinking Glasses

Stephen Harding

Soap Scum occurs when soap bonds with hard water particles. It can create a cloudy or smudged appearance in your drinking glasses. A water softening system can be installed in your home to prevent soap scum.

Some dishwashers have a special soap scum prevention cycle, but it may not always work if you use too much detergent. Soap scum is more of an eyesore than a danger, so a simple cleaning to remove the dull appearance is all that is necessary.


Reduce the amount of soap you use in the dishwasher or dishwater. Dry your dishes by hand immediately after washing them to prevent buildup. Do not use the dry cycle on the dishwasher if you have hard water. Instead, hand dry the dishes most susceptible to visible soap scum spots.

  1. Apply a small amount of white vinegar to a clean cloth.

  2. Rub away the soap scum film or spots on the glasses.

  3. Rinse the vinegar from the glasses.

  4. Dry the glasses with a clean dry cloth immediately after rinsing to prevent any hard water deposits from adhering to the glass.

The Drip Cap

  • Soap Scum occurs when soap bonds with hard water particles.
  • Some dishwashers have a special soap scum prevention cycle, but it may not always work if you use too much detergent.