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Tampa Florida Building Code for Privacy Fences

Anne Stockdell-Giesler

Tampa, Florida, is located in Hillsborough County. Hillsborough County has adopted specific guidelines for privacy fences, which are spelled out in part 6.07.00 of the Land Development Code.


Building codes have specific rules about fences.

Fences, unlike walls, do not require a building permit in Hillsborough County. Property owners should ensure that a fence built is on their own property.

General Rules

Any fence constructed should have a professional, presentable appearance. It should be built so that the finished portions (the side without the cross-beams) face the street and neighbors. The structural elements (the cross-beams) should face inward.

Specific Rules for Residential Fences

Fences will usually not be allowed to be more than four feet high in front yards, with few exceptions. Fences may not be made of scrap metal, leftover construction materials or the like. Privacy fences should be made of typical materials such as PVC or wood fencing. Maximum height is six feet.