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How to Find the Actual Picture of a Home Address

With modern advances in technology, it's become unbelievably easy to do things that would've been near impossible in the past. This is true when it comes to seeing a picture of a home or business at a particular address without ever leaving your home. Using Google Maps, you can enter an address, and view a satellite picture of that address.

Step 1

Go to the Google home page (www.google.com).

Step 2

Input the address you want to find into the search box. Enter as much of the address as you can, from the house number to the zip code, if possible.

Step 3

Find the address in link format, with "maps.google.com" below, on the search results page.

Step 4

Click on the address link.

Step 5

See your requested address marked on the map with a red thumbnail marked with an "A."

Step 6

Click on the "A," and a pop-up window appears.

Step 7

Click on the "Street View" link on the map.

Step 8

View the picture. This should be a picture of the address you searched for, if you gave Google enough accurate information.