How to Remove Excess Thin Set From a Tub
When using thin set to apply tiles around a bathtub, drips and drops are inevitable. Thin set is made to hold tiles firmly to the wall, so when it grabs hold of something and dries, it can be difficult to remove. The best solution is to keep tubs and other surfaces covered with a canvas drop cloth or plastic sheeting when applying thin set. Wipe excess thin set as quickly as possible before it dries.

Wipe excess thin set with a damp sponge before it dries. Rinse sponge often.
Scrape drops of dried thin set with a plastic trowel or spatula, taking care not to scratch the tub.
Mix equal parts of white vinegar and water in a spray bottle. Soak areas of excess thin set with this solution. Wait at least 10 minutes and wipe with a damp sponge.
- Never use a metal trowel or other tool to scrape thin set from a tub. This will cause scratches that are difficult to repair.
Writer Bio
A journalist since 1985, Susan Walworth has written for both weekly and daily newspapers, including "The Eufaula Tribune" and "The Dothan Eagle." She has won numerous state press association awards for photography, news and feature writing. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in journalism from Auburn University.
Photo Credits
- Bathroom image by Nikolay Okhitin from
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