How to Remove a PEX Valve
PEX, made of cross-linked poylethylene, is a flexible hollow hose that is used in the installation of home water supply lines. The valves (or fittings) join one piece of PEX pipe to another, by pushing the valve into the end of the pipe. A crimp ring is then placed over the pipe and secured in place, creating a water-tight seal between the pipe and fitting. Removing the fitting is a simple process, requiring the use of a PEX de-crimping tool.

Place the PEX tube in the pipe cutter, resting the blade against the tube as close to the end of the fitting as possible. Squeeze the pipe cutter handles together, to cut through the pipe.
Pull the handles of the de-crimping tool apart, to open the tool's jaws. Adjust the dial on the de-crimping tool to the 1/2, 3/4 or 1-inch setting, depending on the size of PEX pipe you are working with. Study the jaws of the tool: One jaw is sharp for cutting the crimp ring, and the other jaw is flat which supports the inside of the fitting while the cutting is taking place.
Insert the flat jaw into the end of the fitting. Squeeze the de-crimping tool's handles together to bring the sharp jaw down onto the crimp ring, and cut it. Open the tool's handles, and move the crimp ring 180 degrees. Squeeze the tool's handles together, a second time. The crimp ring is now cut through in two places, and can easily be removed by hand.
Pull the PEX tubing off the end of the fitting, by hand.
- Once the crimp ring and PEX pipe has been removed, the fitting can be used again.
Writer Bio
Steve Sloane started working as a freelance writer in 2007. He has written articles for various websites, using more than a decade of DIY experience to cover mostly construction-related topics. He also writes movie reviews for Inland SoCal. Sloane holds a Bachelor of Arts in creative writing and film theory from the University of California, Riverside.
Photo Credits
- Buena Vista Images/Digital Vision/Getty Images
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