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How to Interface a Cell Phone to Your House Wiring

Shari Caudill

Technology makes it possible to receive telephone calls or access the Internet wherever you need to be. Many have used cell phones to make long-distance calls for years to save money. To eliminate the extra bill for land lines, you have two options: VoIP, or voice over Internet protocol, or incorporate your cell phone. Either option makes it possible to use your home telephone. However, if you choose a dependable Internet phone service, you still have a second bill. With a one-time expenditure for a docking system, you can use your cellular service and eliminate the bill.

Cut your bills by wiring your cell phone into your home telephone.
  1. Choose a docking system that is compatible with your cell phone. You can choose a Bluetooth-enabled device that communicates with your cell phone in the same manner as your headset. There are some models that attach to the cell phone via a cable. The cell phone sits on the base of some specialized docking systems. This type is often limited to specific phones or manufacturers.

  2. Compare the specifications of your other wireless devices before purchasing a Bluetooth unit. Devices that share the same gigahertz spectrum as your new docking system can create interference in your service.

  3. Contact your land-line telephone company and order your service disconnected. If you want to keep your home telephone number, contact your cell phone provider. The U.S. Federal Communications Commission (FCC) established the right to transfer the land-line telephone number to your cell phone in 2003.

  4. Locate the telephone company's gray or beige network interface device box installed on the outside of your home. It is typically located beneath your electric meter. Many have the company's name embossed on the box or a warning that it is phone company property. Open the network interface device box. You may need to remove screws or pop plastic plugs.

  5. Disconnect the wiring to your home by pulling the modular plug or plugs. A modular plug is identical to the ones used to plug your telephone into the wall jack. Avoid touching or removing the ground wire or wires coming from the pole. Disconnecting the household wiring protects your home from any voltage from the pole. Any voltage, regardless of strength, could damage your docking system.

  6. Use electrical tape and tightly wrap the disconnect wires together to protect against accidental reconnections. If you are unable to close and secure the box, you may want to add a sign to the inside cover to leave the wires disconnected.

  7. Install your docking system. A cable or base system attaches a cell phone directly to the unit. Use a telephone cord to connect the device to the phone jack. Plug one home phone into the device and the remainder into phone jacks. A Bluetooth system plugs into the wall jack with one home phone plugged into the rear of the device. Plug any additional phones into wall jacks. Use Bluetooth search and pairing, like you use to install a headset, to complete the installation.