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How to Protect Fence Posts From a Weed Eater

Jonah Morrissey

Trimming weeds and grass around fence posts with a trimmer can cause significant damage to the bottom of the posts over time. To prevent this damage, many people avoid getting too close to the post, however there is a more effective option. Metal fence post protectors can be fastened to the bottom of each post to protect it from grass and weed trimmers. The protectors typically come in a variety of colors and sizes to fit a range of fence post sizes.

  1. Brush off the bottom of the post with a utility brush to remove any dirt or debris from the wood surface.

  2. Align the metal post protector at the base of the post on the side that you most often trim along. If you trim along both sides, then you can apply protectors on both sides.

  3. Drive the provided screws through the mounting holes in the sides of the plate into the fence post with a screw gun. Continue this process until all of the posts have been protected.