What BBQ Tools to Use on a Porcelain-Coated Grid?
Summertime and the living is easy -- especially when grilling outdoors under a hot and blue sky. Make your barbecue chef's job is easy with the correct tools for use on a porcelain-coated grid so the surface does not get pitted, gouged or damaged. Porcelain-coated grids work best when coated with oil so they acquire a non-stick surface.
Cleaning Tools

Before barbecuing, it is essential to clean the porcelain grid. Many cooks like to use a bristle-brush but this can damage and chip the porcelain, allowing bacteria to gather in the minute holes. The simplest tool for cleaning and seasoning a porcelain grid is a paper towel soaked with olive oil. Use it to rub down the grid. Some hardware stores sell pre-soaked oil-cloths that can be used to wipe down the grid and then be discarded.
Basting Brushes

Long-handled basting brushes are essential barbecue tools for a porcelain grid. They can be used to baste or brush any type of sauce on the food that is being grilled. The brushing adds flavor to the meat or fish being barbecued as well as sealing in moisture. Silicone brushes work well because they don't lose fibers and sauce does not stick to the soft bristles.
Tongs and Spatulas

All barbecue tools should be long-handled to prevent burns on hands and forearms. Use ceramic or silicone spatulas and tongs on porcelain-coated grids to prevent nicks and scrapes. Spring-loaded tongs work well with sausages and hot dogs. Spatulas can be used to turn hamburgers, and long-handled forks can be be used on ribs.
Grid Lifter
Smoking salmon or turkey on a barbecue infuses the food with a unique flavor, but the grid must be lifted to place the container with hickory or other types of chips onto the barbecue itself. Grid or grill lifters prevent burns and allow you to lift the porcelain-coated grid safely. Ensure that the lifters are ceramic or covered in silicone as stainless steel can pit porcelain-coated grids.
Writer Bio
Beverley Burgess Bell has been a professional freelance writer since 1986. She has worked for Medigram, a medical poster and Rodar Publications. She also was editor of "Epilepsy," Canada's national newsletter and wrote for various publications including "Future Health." She has a Bachelor of Arts in journalism from Concordia University in Montreal.
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- Jupiterimages/Brand X Pictures/Getty Images
- Hemera Technologies/PhotoObjects.net/Getty Images
- Jack Hollingsworth/Photodisc/Getty Images
- Jupiterimages/Polka Dot/Getty Images
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