How to Install Carpet Transition Strips
You've laid your own carpet and pad, and the job looks great. All that's left to do is to finish the doorways where the carpet meets your vinyl, wood or ceramic floor. Just what do you do with these items called transition strips? They're too big for the doorway, and each side is different.

Installing a carpet transition strip is a meticulous job but not too complicated. You'll be able to do each doorway in a half an hour or less, and soon you're flooring project will be finished.
Things You Will Need
- Tape measure
- Fine tip marker
- Hack saw
- Drill
- 3/32 inch drill bit
- Screwdriver
Always check your measurements twice before cutting.
Determine whether you have the proper transition strip for the flooring that meets your carpet. Transition strips are designed to level different materials; the packaging will tell you whether the strip is designed to be used for carpet to carpet, carpet to hardwood, carpet to vinyl or carpet to ceramic.
Measure the doorway or other area where you plan to install the transition strip. Make sure your measurement is straight across, as this will be your cutting length.
Mark the transition strip to size, using a fine tip marker and checking the length carefully.
Cut the transition strip with the hacksaw, making sure your cutting the strip straight across.
Position the strip in the doorway. The transition strip will have "teeth" in the side that covers the carpet edge. Check that the strip is even on both sides where it meets the doorway; mark the screw holes.
Drill the pilot holes straight down where you marked for the screws.
Lay the transition strip in the doorway and secure it with the screws provided in the package.
The Drip Cap
- You've laid your own carpet and pad, and the job looks great.
- Measure the doorway or other area where you plan to install the transition strip.
- Cut the transition strip with the hacksaw, making sure your cutting the strip straight across.
Writer Bio
Robin Hewitt began her writing career in 2008. She is the coauthor of several books, including "The Joyous Gift of Grandparenting," which covers the nutritional and fitness needs of both grandchildren and grandparents.
Photo Credits
- Morguefile
- Morguefile
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