Colors That Go With a Teal Green Carpet
Teal is a bold color that works well with a wide range of design choices. Teal borders between the greens and blues of the color spectrum, giving it a classy, cool feel with the added comfort of warm tones. A teal carpet is a bold furnishing choice that should be accompanied by soft accents and neutral fabrics.

The bold tone of the teal carpet should be brought to a neutral with the addition of cream colors. Creamy whites, pale yellows and bright whites are perfect for wood furnishings and trim within the teal-carpeted room. The light cream colors bring balance and a sense of comfort to the coolness of teal green.
To add warmth and coziness to the teal green carpet, utilize deep chocolate browns and taupe tones on your medium-sized furnishings. Items like lamps, side tables, picture frames and wall shelves can be drenched in the dark colors of brown to give the carpet a much needed calming feel. The chocolate brown will bring the room full circle and provide a romantic flair for rooms like the bedroom.
Teal green is an upbeat color that many homeowners choose to brighten their homes after a long winter. Adding to the tropical and breezy decor you chose by installing a teal carpet, coral accents provide lasting energy during spring and summer. The cool pink tones allow the room to feel vibrant and full of life. Use coral red drapery, throw blankets, pillows and lamp shades. In comparison, for a lighter approach, using soft pink accents can give your room a soothing and revitalizing feel.
Photo Credits
- Teal paper image by Allyson Ricketts from
- Teal paper image by Allyson Ricketts from
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