How to Paint a Peg Board
Peg boards usually only come in two colors -- brown or white -- and may not match your decor. Painting the boards makes them look a bit less like something that belongs in the garage. If using spray paint, it is best to do so outdoors or in a well-ventilated area.

Things You Will Need
- Rubber gloves
- Small table
- Drop cloth or tarp
- Lint-free cloth
- Stain-blocking primer
- Paint tray
- Short-nap paint roller
- Paint brush
- Latex paint
- Paint stirrer
Put on the latex gloves. Move a table outdoors unless you already have a patio table. Cover the table with a drop cloth or tarp to protect it. Wipe off the peg board with a lint-free cloth and place it on the table.
Open a can of stain-blocking primer and pour some into a paint tray. Roll a paint roller back and forth through the primer, then roll the primer over the peg board until the peg board is completely coated. Use a small brush to prime the edges. Allow the primer to dry completely.
Stir, then pour the latex paint into a paint tray until the holding compartment is filled. Dip a short-nap roller in the tray and roll the paint around to completely cover the roller.
Apply a thin layer of the paint to the peg board with the roller. Allow the first layer to dry, then paint it again.
Wait 24 hours for the paint to cure before hanging or mounting items to the peg board.

If paint dries in some of the peg board's holes, poke the dried paint blobs through with a nail.
If the peg board extends beyond the table or work surface where you paint it, paint may drip through the peg board holes onto the ground. Cover the ground near the paint area with newspaper or a tarp.
Spray paint may be used in place of latex paint over a stain-blocking primer. Spray paint only in a well-ventilated area to avoid breathing in fumes.
Photo Credits
- Sarah Vantassel/Demand Media
- Sarah Vantassel/Demand Media
- Sarah Vantassel/Demand Media
- Sarah Vantassel/Demand Media
- Sarah Vantassel/Demand Media
- Sarah Vantassel/Demand Media
- Sarah Vantassel/Demand Media
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