How to Make a Sofa Cover Out of a Bed Sheet
A sofa experiences a lot of wear and tear since it is typically the centerpiece of furniture in the living room. Your sofa has more than likely experienced spills from a variety of substances and foods as well as rips and tears from years of use.

You can pay a fortune to have your couch reupholstered or you can make a fashionable cover for your couch out of bed sheets.
Use a measuring tape to find out the length of your sofa. Finding the length of the couch will help you determine the amount of sheets needed to cover your sofa. You will also need to take a measurement of the couch’s height and the width of the seating area and cushions. Make sure the sheets you use are close in color to the sofa so your cushions will blend in with the new sheet without needing to be covered.
Take all the cushions off the sofa. Place the bed sheet over the sofa. Remove all of the wrinkles by running your hand over the sheet to smooth them out. Tuck the sheet in the corners of the sofa to secure it in place.
Stick fabric tacks through the sheet to the sofa. Make sure the tacks are in locations where they will not be noticed.
Take the end of the bed sheet that touches the floor and tack it to the underside of the sofa. In order to tack the bed sheet to the arm rests you have to carefully tack the sheet to the underside of the armrests on both sides of the sofa. Only use tacks that are a similar color to the sheets you are using on your sofa.
Things You Will Need
- Bed sheets
- Measuring tape
- Scissors
- Fabric tacks
- "Upholstery: A Beginners' Guide"; David James; 2004
Writer Bio
Michael Cantrell is a freelance writer and musician from Piqua, Ohio. He has been writing professionally since 2007. In 2008, Cantrell was a full-time employee with an SEO company named Words You Want. He has a diploma from and is currently attending Edison Community College with a major of criminal justice.
Photo Credits
- Jupiterimages/ Images
- Jupiterimages/ Images
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