How to Repair a Torn Air Mattress
Air mattresses come in handy when you need an extra bed or if you are on a camping trip. Unfortunately, they often tear, leaving you on a cold floor in the middle of the night. Repairing a tear in an air mattress is simple, so bring a repair kit with you if you bring an air mattress on a trip.

If you do not immediately spot a hole or tear, check the valve to make sure it is not leaking air.
Things You Will Need
- Spray bottle
- Soap
- Water
- Vinyl patch
- Glue
- Electrical tape
Fully inflate your mattress. Use a pump for a large mattress, but avoid filling it with too much air.
Spray the mattress with a soap and water solution. Fill the bottle three-quarters of the way and then add a couple squirts of dish soap. Look for areas that begin to bubble. Leaks often occur around the seam, so check there first.
Circle each leak with a pen or marker.
Fully deflate your mattress on a flat surface. Clean the damaged area to prevent debris from getting under the patch.
Cut a vinyl patch. It should be a quarter inch bigger than the rip or tear on all sides. Round the corners so that there are no edges that can be pulled loose. For a temporary fix, use electrical tape.
Apply adhesive to the area around the tear and to the back side of the vinyl patch. Smooth the patch onto the leak and make sure no bubbles are beneath it. Leave this to dry for 24 hours.
The Drip Cap
- Air mattresses come in handy when you need an extra bed or if you are on a camping trip.
- Fully deflate your mattress on a flat surface.
- For a temporary fix, use electrical tape.
- Smooth the patch onto the leak and make sure no bubbles are beneath it.
Writer Bio
Based in Atlanta, Crystal Huskey began writing in 2008 for various nonprofit organizations and news agencies. She now serves as the assistant editor for a hyper-local news site. Huskey is completing her Master of Arts in international relations at American Public University.
Photo Credits
- Jupiterimages/Polka Dot/Getty Images
- Jupiterimages/Polka Dot/Getty Images
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