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How to Remove Body Wax From Carpet

Dee Davies

Body wax comes in solid form and needs to be melted before application. Sometimes accidents happen and the body wax spills during the trip from the kitchen to the bathroom. As the melted body wax hardens, it sticks to the carpet nap.

Clean body wax spills from carpeting as soon as possible.

You may think the mess is permanent and impossible to clean up, but you can remove the body wax from the carpet. Take immediate action to clean up the wax spill. If you cannot react immediately, you can still clean up the mess after the wax solidifies.

  1. Blot up as much of the spilled body wax as possible with clean paper towels. Do not rub the area. Rubbing the area spreads the stain and can damage carpet fibers reports the University of Ohio.

  2. Scrape solidifying wax off the carpet with a butter knife. If the wax has completely hardened, scrape carefully. Do not yank on the carpet.

  3. Vacuum the area to remove the dried wax debris.

  4. Fold old newspaper or brown paper bags in half and place the double paper over the spilled wax.

  5. Turn the iron on to the lowest heat setting. When the iron is warm, iron the paper over the wax spill. The melting wax transfers to the paper. It looks like a grease stain as it transfers. Keep moving the iron, do not let it sit still or it can damage the carpet fiber.

  6. Adjust the paper's position as it soaks up the wax. Place fresh paper over the wax and continue ironing until body wax no longer transfers to the paper.

  7. Follow the carpet manufacturer's directions for stain removal if the wax leaves a stain.

The Drip Cap

  • Body wax comes in solid form and needs to be melted before application.
  • You may think the mess is permanent and impossible to clean up, but you can remove the body wax from the carpet.
  • If the wax has completely hardened, scrape carefully.
  • When the iron is warm, iron the paper over the wax spill.
  • Place fresh paper over the wax and continue ironing until body wax no longer transfers to the paper.