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How to Remove a Moen Dialcet

Cameron Easey

A Moen dialcet or cartridge is used with a single handle faucet that you turn to provide a mixture of hot and cold water when taking a shower. When only the hot and cold water is working, the dialcet or cartridge may need to be examined. This can be done by first removing the dialcet or cartridge from the faucet that is installed in the shower.

A dialcet is a single handle shower faucet cartridge.
  1. Turn off the shut-off valves for the shower. If the shower does not have shut-off valves you will need to turn off the main water supply valve for your house. Turn the shut-off valve counterclockwise or to the left to shut off the valve.

  2. Find and remove the screw that is used to secure the handle to the faucet with the screwdriver. Pull out the retainer clip that is located behind the handle with the pliers.

  3. Remove the cartridge that is inserted in the valve body with the pliers. Grab onto the cartridge with the pliers and then pull it out.

  4. Shake the cartridge up and down. It should sound like a ball being shaken in a paint can. If there is no sound, the cartridge will need to be cleaned.

  5. Reinstall the dialcet once it has been cleaned or replace it with a new one.