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How to Dye Polyester Curtains

Chelsea Hoffman

Sprucing up your home environment doesn't have to cost a bundle. You can customize your current accents to completely transform the look of a room. For example, dyeing polyester drapes can bring new colors to your living area.

Dyeing your polyester curtains gives can give you variations that cost less than buying new drapes.

Dyeing polyester curtains isn't a difficult task and can be completed cheaply in your kitchen or bathroom.

  1. Fill the wash basin or stainless steel sink with hot water. Use one gallon of water for each yard of fabric.

  2. Mix in one 16 oz. packet of fabric dye powder. Choose a color that is darker than the current color of the curtains. You can find fabric dye in craft and hobby supply shops.

  3. Add the salt and vinegar and stir. These two ingredients will enhance the brightness of the color.

  4. Dunk the curtains into the hot, dyed water. Saturate them completely and let them soak for 10 minutes.

  5. Use a long plastic spoon to agitate the curtains by twisting them around in the water.

  6. Rinse the curtains in cold running water until the water runs clear. Hang to dry.

The Drip Cap

  • Sprucing up your home environment doesn't have to cost a bundle.
  • You can customize your current accents to completely transform the look of a room.
  • Add the salt and vinegar and stir.
  • Dunk the curtains into the hot, dyed water.