How to Polish a Plastic Playground Slide
Plastic playground slides are made from UV-protected plastic and designed for heavy-duty wear and exposure to the sun. As a plastic slide ages, its surface can lose luster and become tacky, preventing the swift slide to the bottom that kids love.

To make your slide look and feel new again, polish it at least once a year when you perform other maintenance tasks on your outdoor furnishings and playground equipment.
Things You Will Need
- Bucket
- Liquid dish soap
- Clean sponge or microfiber cloth
- Garden hose
- Clean cloths
- Auto-polishing compound
- Auto wax
If the slide is severely faded, you can paint it with a spray paint made for plastic. Choose a shade that matches the color of the slide, then test the paint by first applying it in an inconspicuous location.
Fill a bucket with warm water and add one squirt of dish soap. Dip a sponge or microfiber cloth into the bucket and wring it out. Wipe the slide with the sponge or cloth to remove dirt and grime, starting at the bottom of the slide and working upward. Rinse the slide with a garden hose, and allow it to dry.
Dip a clean cloth in auto-polishing compound, and rub it on the slide. With another cloth, apply a thin coat of auto wax.
Wait 10 minutes until the wax hardens slightly. Buff the slide with the cloth in a circular motion until the surface shines. The auto wax improves the appearance of the slide, repels dirt and slows fading. At the same time, the wax will restore the the slide's slick surface.

The Drip Cap
- Plastic playground slides are made from UV-protected plastic and designed for heavy-duty wear and exposure to the sun.
- With another cloth, apply a thin coat of auto wax.
- Buff the slide with the cloth in a circular motion until the surface shines.
Writer Bio
Julie Christensen is a food writer, caterer, and mom-chef. She's the creator of, dedicated to family fun and delicious food, and released a book titled "More Than Pot Roast: Fast, Fresh Slow Cooker Recipes."
Photo Credits
- Lindsey Shults/Demand Media
- Lindsey Shults/Demand Media
- Lindsey Shults/Demand Media
- Lindsey Shults/Demand Media
- Lindsey Shults/Demand Media
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