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How to Troubleshoot a Kenmore HE2 Plus Washing Machine

Damarious Page

Sears describes its Kenmore HE2 Plus appliance as a high-efficiency washer that conserves resources and lowers utility bills. Many of the features and functions in the machine automatically spring into action, but when the washer meets technical problems, it may need a little of your manual labor. Most of the impressive automated aspects of the HE2 washer lie on the side of the machine, including its adaptive variable speed motor and dynamic balancing system. Some issues may exist on the inside of the washer, but in many instances, you can easily troubleshoot those problems.

Sears Brands LLC began offering the Kenmore HE2 washer in 2006.
  1. Press the "STOP" button two times to cancel the cycle if the "F20" message appears on the washer's display screen. Unplug the washer so it has no power flow. Make sure the water faucets running to the washer are turned on all the way. Also, check for clogged, kinked or frozen inlet hose connections. Plug the washer back in. Restart the washer on the last cycle and then press "Start."

  2. Press "STOP" twice if the "F21" error displays on the washer and then unplug the cord from the outlet. Check the drain hose for kinks, clogs or frozen water. In addition, measure to make sure the drain hose is 96 inches above floor level. Plug the washer back in and restart the cycle.

  3. Hit the "STOP" button twice for any other miscellaneous error codes that show on the screen. These issues might also state the following on the display: "Electrical Problem." Choose "RINSE/DRAIN & SPIN" and then select "2ND RINSE" if excess water is still in the machine. Select the last cycle again and press "START."

  4. Check to make sure the washer is level on the floor and sturdy if it produces excessive noise and vibrations.

  5. Choose "RINSE/DRAIN & SPIN" and "2ND RINSE" if the washer door will not unlock. This removes remaining water in the washer, and the door will unlock afterward. If the "Add A Garment" indicator is lit, then press "STOP" once, unlocking the door.