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How to Unlock My Honeywell Oil Heater R7184b1032

Megan Mattingly-Arthur

The R7184b1032 is an interrupted electric-oil primary control manufactured by Honeywell. R7184 series primary controls can be found in oil-fired furnaces and boilers from a variety of manufacturers, including Nordyne and New Yorker.

The controls have a restricted lockout safety feature that shuts off the oil heater when flame is detected during the valve-on delay -- or if it isn't detected during the trial for ignition. You can unlock a Honeywell R7184b1032 oil-heater primary control in less than a minute.


To reset a simple malfunction, press and release the red "Reset" button on the side of the primary control.


Pressing the "Reset" button repeatedly pumps excess oil into the combustion chamber and creates a fire hazard when the burner lights.

  1. Watch the LED on the primary control to confirm it's in restricted lockout mode; if the control is locked out, the light will flash on and off every half second.

  2. Locate the red "Reset" button on the side of the primary control. Press and hold the button for 30 seconds, or until the LED flashes twice.

  3. Look at the LED; a single, one-second flash indicates that the control was unlocked successfully and has returned to Standby mode.

The Drip Cap

  • The R7184b1032 is an interrupted electric-oil primary control manufactured by Honeywell.
  • Watch the LED on the primary control to confirm it's in restricted lockout mode; if the control is locked out, the light will flash on and off every half second.